#9 - Amarillo stout
September 9, 2018
2384 days agoBrewday
2384 days agoFermentation start date
2372 days agoSecondary
---Dry hops date
2352 days agoPriming

Updated 2347 days ago
Mash and boil
65 %Actual mash efficiency
11Pre-boil gravity BLG
13Original gravity BLG
61Batch IBU
16 liter(s)Primary size
2 liter(s)Boil loss
4Post-primary gravity BLG
4Final gravity BLG
5 %ABV
70.2 %Attenuation
14 liter(s)Priming size
244Calories per 12oz
Re-fermentationCarbonation type
2.2Volumes of CO2
Corn sugarPriming sugar
79.1 gPriming sugar amount
18 CPriming beer temp
Fermentation checks
Check at | Step | Gravity | Beer temp | Surrounding temp | FFT | |
September 14, 2018 | PRIMARY | 5 BLG | 20 C | 18 C | ||
w aromacie delikatna kawa, czekolada deserowa. w smaku czekolada, kawa, delikatna paloność. Dość silna goryczka | ||||||
September 16, 2018 | PRIMARY | 5 BLG | 19 C | 18 C | ||
September 18, 2018 | PRIMARY | 4.5 BLG | 18 C | 18 C | ||
Aromat deserowej czekolady, kawa trochę uleciała. W smaku pełne, dość aksamitne, poza tym kawa, czekolada, delikatna paloność. |
September 20, 2018 | SECONDARY | 4 BLG | 23 C | 18 C | ||
Przelane i pozostawione w piwnicy w temp 23stC. Plan to na 5 dni przed rozlewem wrzucić chmiel. |
October 3, 2018 | SECONDARY | 5 BLG | 17 C | 17 C | ||
Dodano 30g chmielu Amarillo do 15 litrów piwa. Zdegustowano próbkę z pomiaru blg. Jak na razie w porządku. |
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