Rozmiar warki
20 LOczekiwana ilość gotowego piwa
60 minCzas gotowania
10 %/hSzybkość odparowywania
26.4 LIlość gotowanej brzeczki
10 %Straty z gotowania
10.5Gęstość przed gotowaniem BLG
5 %Straty z fermentacji
5 %Straty z chmielenia na zimno
75 %Wydajność zacierania
3.5 L / kgStosunek wody do ziarna
16.6 LIlość wody do zacierania
21.4 LCałkowita objętość zacieru
Temp | Czas |
71 C | 60 min |
Brewlog jest pusty
Brak dostępnych wersji
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Surowce fermentujące
Typ | Nazwa | Ilość | Ekstrakcja | EBC |
Ziarno | Strzegom Pilzneński | 3.16 kg 66.5% | 80 % | 4 |
Ziarno | Oats, Flaked | 0.53 kg 11.2% | 80 % | 2 |
Ziarno | Corn, Flaked | 0.53 kg 11.2% | 80 % | 2 |
Ziarno | Wheat, Flaked | 0.53 kg 11.2% | 77 % | 4 |
Suma | 4.75 kg |
Balans goryczy 0.24 Słodkie
Użyto do | Nazwa | Ilość | Czas | Alfa kwasy |
Gotowanie | Citra | 8.42 g | 60 min | 12 % |
Aromat (koniec gotowania) | Citra | 88.42 g | 0 min | 12 % |
Aromat (koniec gotowania) | Amarillo / Lemon drops | 29.47 g | 0 min | 9.5 % |
Na zimno | Citra | 29.47 g | --- | 12 % |
Na zimno | Lemon drop | 29.47 g | --- | 4.6 % |
Nazwa | Typ | Forma | Ilość | Laboratorium |
Mangrove Jack's M44 US West Coast | Ale | Gęstwa | 105.26 ml | Mangrove Jack's |
Typ | Nazwa | Ilość | Użyto do | Czas |
Dodatek smakowy | Skarmelizowane skórki z 4 pomarańczy i 1 cytryny | 31.58 g | Fermentacja cicha | --- |
Dodatek smakowy | karmel z karmelizowania pomarańczy | 31.58 g | Gotowanie | 60 min |
Citra (3 oz) & Lemon Drop (1 oz) hopstand after completing the boil and cooling the wort below 76,6 C.
After heating the water to strike temp, we inserted the grain basket in our kettle and added the following grains to the grain basket:
2 Row Pilsner (2.0 SRM) - 6lbs
Flaked Oats (1.0 SRM) - 1lbs
Flaked Corn (1.7 SRM) - 1lb
Flaked Wheat (1.6 SRM) - 1lb
We mashed at 160F for 60 mins. We mashed at a bit higher temperature than we have in the past for this style of beer. The goal was to increase beta amylase activity, which should boost the amount of unfermentable sugar, giving the beer a bit more sweetness and body.
Citrus Zest
While mashing, we worked on processing some citrus zest. We took the peel from 3 oranges and 1 lemon and blanched them. Here's a quick guide to blanching citrus fruit:
Add peels to pot of cold water (enough water to cover peels)
Heat water to a boil
As soon as boil starts, remove from heat, strain peels, and dump water.
Add more cold water to pot along with strained peels
Begin process again.
Repeat this entire process 3 times and make sure to remove the pot from the heat and strain the fruit as soon as a boil is reached. This process reduces the bitterness of the fruit. However, if you leave the peels boil, bitterness will actually increase.
Making Candied Citrus Peel
After blanching we moved on to creating candied peels. To do this we made some simple syrup by dissolving 400 grams of sugar in 400 grams of water (a 1 to 1 ratio). We then added the peels and simmered for 45 minutes. After that we put the peels in a food dehydrator and let them sit on low heat for about 24 hours.
Boiling / Hops
We boiled for 60 minutes and added the following hops, etc:
Citra (0.25 oz) at 60 minutes (the start of the boil)
Citra (3 oz) & Lemon Drop (1 oz) hopstand after completing the boil and cooling the wort below 170F.
Simple Syrup was also added with the hopstand hops.
After leaving the hopstand hops hang out for 20 minutes, we chilled the wort to 68F and added it to a sanitized bucket. We pitched some yeast and let it chill for half a week then added another ounce of citra and an additional ounce of lemon drop hops. We also added candied orange peel at this time. Fermentation kicked off again (because of the sugar in the candied orange peels) and finished a few days later. California Ale yeast.
Additional Benchmarks
Starting Gravity: 1.046
Final Gravity: 1.015
ABV: 4.07%
Tasting Notes
This beer is one of the best we've brewed. It was super balanced and had a perfect blend of bitterness, hops flavor, and sweetness. The lemon drop hops and orange made for a very pleasant aroma. It tasted like a light citrus IPA, but the orange flavor came through nicely. It was present but not at all overpowering. We really liked the balance of sweet and bitterness as well. We rate this recipe 10/10 and highly recommend brewing it.
21 maj 2019, 18:34