
  • 13.3
    Gravity BLG
  • 21
  • 5.5 %
  • 4.6
  • All Grain
  • ---
  • Brewer

Batch size

  • 20 liter(s)
    Expected quantity of finished beer
  • 60 min
    Boil time
  • 10 %/h
    Evaporation rate
  • 25.3 liter(s)
    Boil size
  • 10 %
    Boil loss
  • 12.1
    Pre-boil gravity BLG
  • 5 %
    Trub loss
  • 0 %
    Dry hopping loss

Mash information

  • 75 %
    Mash efficiency
  • 3 liter(s) / kg
    Liquor-to-grist ratio
  • 16.2 liter(s)
    Mash size
  • 21.6 liter(s)
    Total mash volume


Temp Time
67 C 60 min
  • Brewlog is empty

  • No versions avalible

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13.3 BLG
5.5% ABV
4.6 SRM

Type Name Amount Yield EBC
Grain Strzegom Pale Ale 4.5 kg 83.3% 79 % 6
Grain vienna 0.4 kg 7.4% 75 % 3
Grain acidulated 0.5 kg 9.3% 85 % 3
Sum 5.4 kg


21 IBU

Bitterness ratio 0.39 Balanced

Use for Name Amount Time Alpha acid
Boil sterling 35 g 90 min 5.3 %
Boil sterling 10 g 0 min 5.3 %


Name Type Form Amount Laboratory
wlp650 Wine Liquid 35 ml ---


  • 1 Brettanomyces bruxellensis culture, Wyeast 3112 (B. bruxellensis) or White Labs WLP650 (B. bruxellensis) yeast
    2 Brettanomyces lambicus culture, Wyeast 3526 (B. lambicus) or White Labs WLP653 (B. lambicus) 
    3 Lactobacillus delbrueckii culture or Wyeast 4335 (L. delbrueckii) bacteria

    As homebrewers we can easily obtain at least five different strains of Brettanomyces. White Labs sells cultures they call B. bruxellensis, B. lambicus and B. claussenii, while Wyeast sells cultures they call B. bruxellensis and B. lambicus. The characteristics of these yeasts will vary depending on whether you pitch a small amount into a mixed fermentation or grow up a large starter for a mostly or entirely Brett-driven fermentation.

    White Labs says their claussenii strain produces a pineapple-like aroma and shows a “low intensity” of Brett character, with their bruxellensis and lambicus showing progressively more Brett character. In a mixed fermentation, their lambicus strain produces the typical lambic “funk.”

    Wyeast says their bruxellensis strain produces the classic sweaty horsehair character when used in a lambic fermentation. Their lambicus strain has a “pie cherry-like” note.
    Oct 8, 2017, 3:48 PM