#12 - Two Hearted Ale Clone (B...
October 12, 2018
2341 days agoBrewday
2340 days agoFermentation start date
2335 days agoSecondary
2334 days agoDry hops date
2332 days agoPriming

Updated 2322 days ago
Mash and boil
62.7 %Actual mash efficiency
---Pre-boil gravity
16.5Original gravity BLG
59Batch IBU
6 liter(s)Primary size
---Boil loss
-0Post-primary gravity BLG
2Final gravity BLG
8.2 %ABV
88.5 %Attenuation
5 liter(s)Priming size
216Calories per 12oz
Re-fermentationCarbonation type
2Volumes of CO2
Table sugarPriming sugar
22.8 gPriming sugar amount
20 CPriming beer temp
Mash checks
# | Check at | Temp | Gravity | pH | ||
1 | October 22, 2018 at 10:10 PM | --- | --- | --- | ||
Z powodu braków magazynowych modyfikacja przepisu: 2kg pilzneńskiego 0.12 melanoidynowego 0.23 Caramel (Viking Red Ale) Zacieranie w zakresie 62-70 stopni. 2x po 1kg pieluchy Po 75 min próba jodowa W garze po wyciągni eciu tetry 2l, odciśnięto 3.5? |
Fermentation checks
Check at | Step | Gravity | Beer temp | Surrounding temp | FFT | |
October 13, 2018 | PRIMARY | 16.5 BLG | --- | --- | ||
Do fermentacji 4g Safale US-05. Dość długi lag i wolny start. |
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